The African-American Congress is a NYC-based organization dedicated to the advancement of black people by helping to enforce more black-friendly hiring quotas for businesses operating in majority-black neighborhoods. Prior to 1994, it was presided over by Marcus Tate, but he was tragically assassinated, and it is currently run by Roland Books. (L&O: "Conspiracy")
There are a number of folks in the black community who believe that Roland Books was the one who arranged for Tate to be killed. One of these people was Tate's son, Huey. When Books was shot in 1997, Huey's ex-girlfriend Angela Roney produced a tape of Huey declaring that he wanted to kill Books. However, it later surfaced that Roney had been an informant for the Federal Bureau of Investigation which, Huey's defense attorney argued, suggested that the FBI might be trying to frame Huey to create a civil war within the Congress. This turned out to be a red herring, as Roney was not on the FBI's payroll, and evidence later appeared that pointed to Roney as the shooter. (L&O: "Entrapment")