Alicia Brown is a drug addict and kidnapper associated with baby launderer and con artist Mark Sanford.
Brown had an addiction to crack and would keep her life sustained just enough by arranging her children to be sold to Sanford. Her first baby was arranged to be given to a couple who wanted a child, and the illicit adoption went successful. But when Brown was to deliver a second child her baby ended up stillborn, ruining her chances at a payday.
Brown jumped to the unthinkable and kidnapped a baby, Emma Daricek, from a grocery store while she was with her parents, Tony and Michele. In a chain of events, Alicia was quickly tracked and arrested, and she sold Sanford out, leading to his own arrest. Alicia took a deal for a reduced sentence in exchange for her testimony. From the ring's disbandment, a missing baby, Stephen Talmadge, who grew up as Tyler Blake, was found with the Blake couple after Stephen's stepmother, Linda Cook, killed his mother, Jennifer Talmadge, and sold Stephen to Sandford to get rid of evidence without hurting Stephen.
Brown was found complicit and guilty of kidnapping and conspiracy for her role and received a lesser prison sentence and a mandate by the courts to receive rehabilitation treatment. (SVU: "Stolen")