Law and Order
Law and Order

Ava Parulis is the Romanian twin sister of murder victim Irina Burton, who took her identity for three years to protect herself, as Ava was the one who was intended to be killed.


Ava and Irina immigrated into the United States, and while Irina settled down with socialite George, with whom she had a daughter, Julia, Ava would seduce wealthy men and live off their riches, even if the men abused her. Secretly, she'd use the wealth in hopes of paying the price to free her other sister, Oksana Parulis, from sexual abuse slavery under Razvan Toscu and Valentina Bilescu.

Toscu demanded more and started raping Ava, especially in S&M gear, under the false "promise" of returning Oksana to her family. One day, he kidnapped and raped Irina, mistaking her for Ava, whom Irina never sold out, even though Toscu presumably also wanting to torture her as well. Toscu strangled Irina and left her corpse in a garbage bag out by the Burtons' trash at their apartment building, partly to frame George. Ava witnessed this and buried Irina in the backyard hydrangea garden of the Stantons, her neighbors, along with the collar and leash, stealing Irina's identity and family to protect herself and fight for Oksana.

The Sawyers, the new homeowners three years later, unearthed Irina when they were installing a Jacuzzi. Ava was tracked and, as Irina, talked about her past to partly throw suspicion off herself and pretend Irina's remains were hers. When she was found out from Irina having different dental work, she ran straight to the ring while Bilescu was stationed there to beg for Oksana and trying to finish paying the debt. The ring was busted, and she was arrested with Bilescu.

She at first didn't reveal Toscu's role and said Irina was dead in the house, but then when Toscu was found out, despite her reluctance to assist the NYPD due to corrupt police in Romania, caved and eventually revealed Toscu's crimes against the sisters and as the leader of the ring. George was horrified by Ava's lies and devastated Irina was dead. Finding pollen from his orchids on Irina's underwear, his immunity as a diplomat was waived and he was arrested before leaving on a transatlantic flight.

Ava and George laid Irina to rest and thanked the detectives, before testifying in court to help convict and imprison Toscu. (SVU: "Parasites")
