Avery Parker was a transgender teenager.
Avery had never felt comfortable being a male and decided that she would transition to female. Her schoolmates and teachers praised her for this and encouraged her to keep doing what made her feel comfortable. She was put into a special class which had LGBT students who could be a target of bullying and quickly made two friends.
Darius McCrae and his school friends were walking home when they noticed Avery taking photography around Central Park. Darius and his friends immediately ran up to her, taunting her and calling her trannie. Many teenagers around them took videos on their phones. Darius had the camera and Avery was on Darius, trying to get the camera. Darius pushed Avery too hard and she fell off the bridge, much to the shock of two passing adults. Immediately, all the teenagers, including Darius and his friends ran off.
Avery and her parents met Detectives Benson and Carisi in hospital. Avery's parents stated that she had been bullied before and that the police did nothing, but Olivia promised to get justice. While Darius's friends show no remorse or sympathy and their mother/grandmother shows disgust towards Avery wearing a dress and make up in public, Darius is deeply guilty and his mother is shocked by the behavior. Darius's friends are let off with Community Service, but Darius is set to appear at trial.
Darius and his mother plead with Pippa Cox to reconsider, but Pippa Cox shows no sympathy, asking Darius how he thought Avery felt when she was being bullied. Darius drew manga art for Avery and Ave forgave Darius. A few minutes after seeing the pictures, Avery passes out. Avery is unfortunately unable to be revived, and dies a few seconds later. The death was caused by the fall off the bridge. (SVU: "Transgender Bridge")