Benjamin Faoud is a jihadist terrorist and the murderer of his cousin-in-law Eric Khalaby, who was initially an accomplice but had a change of heart and was ready to report him. To cover up his plans, he and another accomplice, Ray Al-Sini, killed Eric under the guise of an American hate crime by a defunct white supremacist group, mailed a video of the beheading to the media, and left a bloody crime scene with a fake a banner for police to find.
Faoud was arrested after he went on the run and Al-Sini was shot in an attempt to fight a police raid on the community mosque. Faoud was planning a dirty bomb attack, but British authorities caught the overseas shipment of uranium and sabotaged it before it even arrived. Faoud tried to argue that the government was staging an entrapment and false incrimination campaign, but his own imam, Ibrahim, testified to hearing about Faoud's plans after Faoud previously tried to intimidate him into providing a false alibi.
Faoud was found guilty of murder and imprisoned. During his verdict, Faoud threatened Ibrahim in Arabic before he was taken away. (L&O: "Fear America")