Law and Order
Law and Order
"Best Defense"
CI, Episode 2.04
Production number: E3201
First aired: 20 October 2002
  th of 195 produced in CI  
th of 195 released in CI
  th of 1271 released in all  
Eames Goren Best Defense
Teleplay By
Elizabeth M. Cosin

Story By
René Balcer & Elizabeth M. Cosin

Directed By
Gloria Muzio


Detectives Goren and Eames investigate the case of an ADA who is in danger because there might be a contract out on his life. Their investigation leads to an unlikely suspect with a complex motive of revenge.


Main cast[]

Guest cast[]



Robert Goren: You're really good at keeping secrets. Me, I just run off at the mouth.

James Deakins: The guy's a prosecutor. He knows losing a case is part of the game.
Alexandra Eames: There's losing and there's losing to your wife.
Robert Goren: And then there's getting your balls handed to you on a platter.

Alexandra Eames: He'll get over it... just like Peter Bonham.

Martinez: Gary Burke is dead.
Alexandra Eames: How do you know that?
Martinez: PNN. Prison News Network.
Robert Goren: That's the same place we get our news from.

Background information and notes[]

Previous episode:
"Best Defense"
Law & Order: Criminal Intent
Season 2
Next episode:
Seasons 12345678910