Law and Order
Law and Order

Brent Latimer was the abusive husband of Mia Latimer.


According to Mia, she met Brent when she was eighteen and he convinced her to drop out of college. He had several guns, all legally registered. He was found to be highly controlling of her, having talked her into signing a pre-nuptial agreement if she ever tried to divorce him, tracked her movements and forbade her from seeking work or from seeing any friends or family not of his own. He would regularly beat and abuse Mia if she ever showed a hint of resistance, always in places concealed by her clothing. His downstairs neighbors, Caroline Cresswell and Jonah Malcolm, claimed that the night that Mia was raped, there was a major ruckus, which sounded like they were moving furniture. Mia said that Brent did it, but according to her, he wanted to have sex so that they could have a baby, and when she told him that she wasn't feeling well, he called her a "selfish bitch", and he started kicking her and then raped her.

When he was arrested, he said that Mia would never say a word against him, but the evidence was the real proof. When bail was set at $50,000, Brent said that he would post it right away, and he was ordered to have no contact with Mia, and to hand over all of his guns. After a short time spent at a shelter on Detective Benson's advice, Mia changed her mind and had the charges against Brent dropped, and said she wanted to be back with her husband. When Detective Benson waited downstairs seeing if she could protect Mia, she heard them yelling, then she ran upstairs to see what was going on. She saw Mia with a knife through her heart, then Brent said that Mia attacked him, but he didn't have a scratch on him. Benson quickly cuffed him before attending to Mia who died moments later. A suspect kit quickly disproved his claims that his wife had assaulted him in any way. He was sentenced to life imprisonment without parole for first-degree murder and first-degree rape.
