Cara Raleigh is a disabled woman who was physically abused by her sister, Janice Raleigh, and was raped by Tony Griegs.
Cara was diagnosed with locked-in syndrome secondary to multiple sclerosis, which paralyzed her motor functions while she was still conscious and left her mute. Previously, she used to have a magnificent singing voice and sang opera. By the time she was paralyzed, she was restricted to a wheelchair, diaper, and blinking to "yes" and "no" questions as her best communication. Janice was jealous of her talent and emotionally and physically abused her out of retaliation against Cara for having what Janice didn't, one frequent way being beating her with bars of soap in a sock.
After Cara was found beaten and raped, Benson and Stabler were called in to investigate. The detectives soon realize that someone close to her is responsible for her rape as well as her beating, with the lead suspects being Janice when she was caught on video beating Cara. When Janice is questioned for the rape, she confessed to the ongoing abuse, but denied raping her and Janice's alibi for the rape checked out. Benson and Stabler soon start to suspect the nephew, Damien Woods, suspicions the detectives didn't falter from when Cara stroked his cheek with her finger she could move. Cara still defended Damian, blinking that he didn't rape her because she couldn't speak. Back at Cara's apartment, Benson and Tutuola talk with Damien about his mother. Benson says Janice will go to prison and unless Damien tells them the truth about what happened, her rapist will go free.
They question him whether someone has a copy of the key to the apartment, and he says it stays in his bag which is with him at all times unless he locks it in Tony Griegs's car, while he is at the fights. Benson asks Cara if Tony Griegs is her rapist and threatened Damien if she talked, and she blinks yes for both questions. However, Janice enters, melancholy, and she said she made bail and has the power of attorney to put her sister into a nursing home. Benson and Tutuola have no option, but to let Janice to move ahead with her plan, which upsets Damien. Damien fights with Janice about her abuse towards Cara, and Janice says either he is with her or against her.
At the precinct, Cragen tells Benson that A.D.A Blaine withdrew Janice’s power of attorney and got Cara an aid, which will likely recommend Cara to stay in the nursing home. After Damien realizes Griegs raped Cara and beats him in retaliation, and Griegs refuses to confess, the case ends up weaker than before. Cragen asks if they are sure Cara identified Griegs as her rapist, and Benson confirms Cara looked her directly in the eye and blinked. He has no priors, but has money issues. When other women with disabilities are found to have been raped by Griegs but refuse to testify, Benson confronts Cara personally at the group home and shows who else Griegs brutalized to coax Cara into testifying.
Benson tries to get her to type, but she doesn't cooperate, traumatized and bitterly heartbroken from the change of location on top of her general disability problems. Cara is outright terrified and hateful toward Benson for harassing her into taking a stand at the trial, but Cara finally agrees. When Griegs is charged, Janice is confronted at the courthouse, where Cara watches Janice here she's having no charges pressed over the abuse she put Cara through, but Damien has permanent power of attorney. Janice is horrified and threatens Cara, but Cara coldly stares back at her as Damien wheels her out.
In court, Cara is on the stand testifying against her rapist and blinked for yes after Blaine asked Cara if Tony raped her. When the defense tries to push back, Blaine asks Cara to point to the rapist. Cara musters her strength and successfully moves her finger in Griegs' direction. This is more than plenty for the record and to secure Griegs' conviction.