Law and Order

Carly Hunter is a little girl who was kidnapped by her own brother for ransom, which would later prove to be a mistake when she was revealed to have leukemia.


Carly was pulled into a van and kidnapped when she was walking home from school. After ruling out paroled sex offender Joel Mayder, when Mayder died trying to escape police when suspected, a kidnapper called her parents, Jake and Pamela, in an electronically garbled voice and demanded a ransom of 300 grand.

Melinda Warner was speaking with the family when the kidnapper was watching and assumed she was a cop. She clarified she wasn't when she revealed a startling revelation from biological evidence gathered from Carly's trace for the investigation: she recently developed leukemia, a blood cancer, and was in danger of losing her life without treatment. With Warner's involvement, she gained the trust of the kidnapper and got him to cooperate for an exchange.

The kidnapper came with Carly in the van and him wearing a mask and hoodie. When police arrived before the exchange could've been successful, the kidnapper drove off with Carly still in the van. Tracing the movements the kidnapper could've possibly made with such a hasty escape, Carly was found clinging to life on the floor of the warehouse where she was held hostage.

Carly was rescued when transported to the hospital. When she was awake, she spoke and gave her accounts of the kidnapper. Her most revealing detail is intimate details about her favorite things, including her favorite food and playroom activities. This revealed the kidnapper was her estranged brother Daniel, who was kicked out after drug addictions and tried to get enough money so he could pay a dealer back.

Daniel was arrested after shooting up Jake's bank in hopes of robbing it, being stopped from committing suicide by cop so he'd be peacefully arrested and put into protective custody so the drug world wouldn't kill him sooner than SWAT. (SVU: "Blast")
