Carrie Huitt is the final rape victim of serial rapist and eventual murderer Michael Gardner.
She was the only woman who was awake when she was raped and saw Gardner's face, leading to his arrest. She was counseled by Bethany Taylor and positively ID'd Gardner in a lineup. She still testified despite Gardner's witness harassment attempts on her and the three other women who were raped and the other rape charges being dropped because only she saw his face. When Taylor refused to answer to a subpoena that would've broken patient-doctor confidentiality and was arrested, Huitt, despite it breaking the violations of general medical codes, testified Taylor didn't suggest her to suspect Gardner, and the testimony was ruled ethical and inadmissible in the trial.
Gardner escaped and killed another woman, and was murdered by his mistress and counsel, Erin Russ, leading to Huitt seeing Gardner's corpse personally to know for a fact it was all over. (SVU: "Futility")