Law and Order
"Charity Case"
L&O, Episode 17.12
Production number: 17012
First aired: 12 January 2007
  {{{nNthProducedInSeries}}}th of 456 produced in L&O  
{{{nNthReleasedInSeries}}}th of 456 released in L&O
  {{{nNthReleasedInAll}}}th of 1271 released in all  
Green Cassady Ephraim Charity Case
Written By
Nicholas Wootton

Directed By
Michael Pressman


Secrets about an adopted child from Africa are uncovered in the course of an investigation into the shooting death of a soap-opera husband.


Main cast[]

Recurring cast[]

Guest cast[]


  • Mamuno
  • California
  • Toronto, Canada
  • Christopher Mogae
  • Darfur, Sudan
  • United Nations


Connie Rubirosa (to McCoy): Did you ever work as a babysitter?
Jack McCoy: I delivered papers.
Connie: I had eight regulars from infants to adolescents. Paid for my first car. Rule number one, if you do not watch them like a hawk, something from the floor will end up in their mouth. (holds up a plastic bag of pills)
Ed Green (to Marlon Cooper): Did you try to take the baby and something went wrong?
Marlon Cooper: Whoever did this, I'm sure he's remorseful. And I hope he's got a good head start on you.
Liz Prather (to McCoy): What's on the table?
Jack McCoy: How can I know that, Ms. Prather when all I've got is a missing child and two supposed caregivers on opposite sides of the truth?
Jack McCoy: Some people are wired wrong. Ugliest part of our work.
Connie Rubirosa: It's babies. Babies as fashion . . .

Background information and notes[]

  • Mamuno is not a real country in Africa. However, the Mamuno monument is a real historic monument located in Botswana.

Episode scene cards[]

1 2 3 4

Skyline Motel
Astoria, Queens
Wednesday, November 15

Apartment of
Sofia Archer
123 Sullivan Street
Tuesday, November 21

Apartment of
Marlon Cooper
86 Academy Street
Tuesday, November 21

Apartment of
Festus Lepetu
Newark, New Jersey
Tuesday, November 21

6 5 7

Supreme Court
Motion Hearing
Wednesday, December 7

Bedford Hills
Correctional Facility
Bedford Hills, New York
Monday, December 12

Supreme Court
Trial Part 74
Tuesday, January 17

Previous episode:
"Remains of the Day"
"Charity Case"
Law & Order
Season 17
Next episode:
"Talking Points"
Seasons 123456789101112131415161718192021222324