Charles Martine is a defense contractor and an embezzler.
His subordinate Janet Torres reported his crimes and was planning to testify, leading his defense counsel, Larry Teasdale, to hire Frank Kemp to kill Torres so Martine could be acquitted. Kemp also ended up murdering two accountants, Craig Hovis and Peter Coyle, who were witnesses.
Kemp was charged for murdering Hovis and Coyle when the gun was found, but the case flopped. When the knife used to kill Torres and Torres herself were both found, Kemp was tried again. Teasdale ruined the when trying to intimidate and manipulate Kemp's girlfriend Tina McManus to be an alibi. She was working with the police to record the confrontation, leading to Teasdale's arrest. Kemp took a plea to sell his employers out.
Martine was found guilty of embezzelment, three counts of murder for hire, conspiracy, and tampering and was imprisoned for life. (L&O: "Severance")