Chris Roberts is an 18-year-old high-school student who raped 15-year-old classmate Abby Stewart at a party.
Chris invited a female student named Abby Stewart to a party. Abby had a crush on Chris and Chris felt the same way, to her surprise. He took her down to the Dark Room and raped her, with Abby telling him to stop several times. He then bragged about it on social media. Eventually, Rita Calhoun visited Lieutenant Benson and told her about Abby's ordeal. Chris was questioned by the SVU detectives, but they were eventually kicked out by Chris' parents.
In the course of the investigation, it was revealed that Chris committed the rape to become a member of the school's secret society, the Cherry Pickers Club. ADA Barba tried to arrange a plea deal with Chris and his parents in which he would be put on the sex registry without any jail time and media attention. His parents declined, resulting in Chris' case being taken to trial, where he was found not guilty of attempted rape and inappropriate touching, but guilty of first-degree sexual misconduct. However, Abby, who was remorseful about coming forward due to how people were treating her, apologized to Chris as he was put on the sex registry, causing more arguments between their parents. (SVU: "A Misunderstanding")