Law and Order
Law and Order

Clark Tinta is a paramedic and serial rapist who assaulted women in critical condition after responding to 9-1-1 calls about them. Tinta also aided his partner Mike O'Doole when O'Doole robbed the homes of patients and the people they knew.

O'Doole was singled out by SVU to wear a wire and have Tinta confess to the rapes in a sting. It succeeded, but when he saw the detectives, Tinta locked himself in the ambulance and killed himself by injecting an air embolism into the artery in his neck.

Known Victims[]

  • His unnamed girlfriend (raped and threatened into not pressing charges)
  • Numerous unnamed women in critical condition (all raped)
  • Unnamed woman (a hit-and-run victim; raped with his fingers)
  • Unnamed woman (an overdose victim; raped)
  • Caitlin La Marque (an assault victim; raped; later died as a result of her assault and Tinta's neglect)