Law and Order

Colin Barnes is a successful doctor and previously a sperm donor with dozens of children before he married a woman named Anne and had a daughter with her, Taylor.


Colin dated Anne while in college, causing her to break up with her boyfriend Sean Albert. While going to take his MCATs, Colin found Albert taking tests for others for money. Not willing to stand for such nonsense Colin reported Albert who was arrested for this. Ever since, Albert wanted revenge on Colin for marrying Anne and so started tracking down and raping his donor daughters.

After Taylor becomes horrified by Colin's sperm donations and feared she may have dated some of his other kids. When detectives Olivia Benson and Nick Amaro come to see him, Colin wanted them to leave because they have already ruined his standing with his family but he is horrified to hear that whoever raped his donor daughters had done so in his name. They asked him on who knew about his donations and he gives a list of names.

Eventually, the detectives found out about Albert and Colin remembers that the latter may hold a grudge against him for his arrest and getting with Anne. He is also horrified to learn that Albert has Taylor.

When Albert seduces and rapes Taylor as well, leaving her in the hotel room he reserved, the Barnes' have an even bigger problem, especially when Albert refuses to divulge her location. Wanting a dance with Anne before he does so, he instead lies and says he killed her. She's indeed alive and found brainwashed into believing Albert was her real father, not Colin.

Colin and his wife were presumably reunited with their daughter while Albert was presumably imprisoned for his crimes of statutory rape.(SVU: "Father Dearest")
