Law and Order
Law and Order

Courtney (surname unknown) is a promiscuous sex addiction patient of therapist Cap Jackson.


Courtney suffered from sexual addiction and lived a very promiscuous lifestyle. As mentioned by herself, she slept with several police officers. Eventually, she enrolled in a clinic to get help for her problems. When Detective Stabler was undercover trying to catch serial rapist Brett Kincaid at his office, Courtney was immediately attracted to him, stating he was her type. She quickly caught onto him being a cop because of his behavior and continuously tried to seduce him but failed, so she took his phone in exchange for sex.

Falling for a ruse Kincaid left in a note, she relapsed and went to an abandoned cop bar. After Stabler called his phone, Courtney answered and told Elliot that she was waiting for him to show up though he tried to warn her that he did not send any message, but Brett suddenly shows up wearing the mask, and the phone call is disconnected. Courtney was bound and nearly raped by Kincaid as well. Fortunately for her, Stabler and Jackson rushed over and arrested Kincaid, untying and saving Courtney from harm. Courtney watched Stabler arrests Kincaid while affirming that she knew that Stabler was a cop. (SVU: "Mask")
