Law and Order
"Criminal Hatred"
SVU, Episode 14.12
Production number: 14012
First aired (US): 30 January 2013
First aired (UK): 5 March 2013
First aired (CAN): 30 January 2013
First aired (AUS): 21 March 2013
  th of 502 produced in SVU  
th of 502 released in SVU
  th of 1271 released in all  
Written By
Ed Zuckerman

Directed By
Adam Bernstein

A.D.A. Barba tries a murder case against an unpredictable defense attorney in a showdown that stretches the boundaries of the law.


The SVU detectives go undercover to arrest a man who targets and brutally attacks other men. They gather enough evidence for A.D.A. Barba to file charges, but the case begins to spiral as he contends with a deceptively tough defense attorney.


With Mason's help, the detectives locate the bracelet which has the victim's blood on it and Jones' fingerprints. At the bail hearing on the unlawful imprisonment charge, Barba agrees to a reduction to $5,000 and then has Jones arrested by Benson and Fin. Jones is enraged, calling his apologizing husband a homophobic slur and raging at pleading his lawyer by spitting in her face. Guards then detain the angry Jones.

After he's escorted out, Fin asks Efron if she is alright and she tells the detectives she is fine. She tells everyone that she has realized the truth about Jeremy. She says the detectives were wrong that he doesn't just hate gays, as Benson states he hates everyone but Barba corrects her saying he hates himself.


Main Cast[]

Recurring Cast[]

Guest Cast[]


Episode references


Tutuola: [while going undercover] Hey, come on, Nick, you gotta neaten it up, man. You can't be all messy cruising a gay bar.
Amaro: Hey, we can't all look like Al Sharpton.

Benson: "Did you kiss him?" Nick, he's a victim.
Amaro: He's a victim in search of a crime. Look, if he'd have gotten into that Mercedes with his family and driven to Connecticut--
Benson: You mean like he was supposed to?
Amaro: All I'm saying is he would have been fine.

Benson: I'm just wondering, would you challenge a straight marriage like this?
Barba: If I thought the husband was good for a murder, I'd cross-examine the priest.

Tutuola: [after a stripper greets him] An acquaintance from my undercover days.
Stripclub owner: Jone's address.
Rollins: Really? You're undercover name was 'Detective Tutuola'?

Benson: You're gonna argue that a gay man married to another gay man hates gays?
Barba: Watch me.

Ms. Efron: [during her opening statement] What am I thinking right now? That I wish I'd had a second cup of coffee before court this morning, or that Mr. Barba's prosecution is so wrong that he should be taken out and shot? You can't tell, can you? And what does it matter? Do I deserve to be punished for something that's only inside my head?
Barba: Objection. Ms. Efron is arguing the wisdom of the law and not making an opening statement.
Judge Delilah Hawkins: Ms. Efron, watch yourself.
Ms. Efron: I'm sorry, Your Honor. I don't know what I was thinking.

Ms. Efron: [about Jeremy Jones] You were wrong about him. He doesn't just hate gays...
Benson: He hates everyone.
Barba: No. He hates himself.

Background information and Notes[]

  • The episode title is a reference to the hate crime statute.
  • Another episode that deals with a man attacking closeted men who go to gay bars without their wives knowing is the episode "Down Low In Hell's Kitchen".
  • Rafael Barba attaches hate crimes charges against Jeremy Jones, specifically with hating homosexual men despite being one. Judge Delilah Hawkins, however, tells him to drop that charge after a successful challenge by Jones' attorney, Minonna Efron. Other ADAs have mentioned trying to add hate crimes charges to rape:

Episode scene cards[]

1 2 3 4

Smoke Shop
54 Saint Marks Place
Saturday, January 5

Rixton Hotel
148 West 26th Street
Saturday, January 5

Townhouse of
Charles and Melissa Murphy
88 West 11th Street
Sunday, January 6

Supreme Court
Motion Hearing
Monday, January 7

5 6 7

Supreme Court
Part 39
Wednesday, January 9

Supreme Court
Part 39
Monday, January 14

Supreme Court
Bail Hearing
Tuesday, January 15

Previous episode:
"Beautiful Frame"
"Criminal Hatred"
Law & Order: Special Victims Unit
Season 14
Next episode:
"Monster's Legacy"
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