Danny Burrell is the best friend of Michael Goren.
Burrell and Michael went to the same school, becoming best friends over time. While at Michael's house, he took a shower and after exiting, Goren's pedophile adoptive father, Andrew Croft was waiting for him while naked and attempted to rape him. Burrell had held off Croft, before he saw Michael, expecting to be help but the latter couldn't, and Burrell was able to push the pedophile away before leaving. Feeling betrayed and traumatized, Burrell cut himself off from Goren completely.
When Goren was arrested for Croft's murder, Burrell was tracked, and he gave his account. Burrell was saddened to hear that the real reason Michael did not help him was because he had been molested repeatedly by Croft in his childhood and was too scared to help Burrell when he needed it. He subsequently understood why and decided to help in any way he could.
Much later, A.D.A Alexandra Cabot reveals to Goren that they had spoken to Burrell and how he was willing to testify that Croft abused him, with Goren witnessing it. This led to Goren admitting to the molestation and that he killed Croft because he was repeatedly raped, and Croft's accomplice, Craig Prince, raped Goren as well. This led to Goren's reduced sentence and Prince's arrest. (SVU: "Wrong Is Right")