Law and Order

Deborah Curtis was the wife of NYPD Detective Rey Curtis.


Deborah and Rey started dating in college. She went to Manhattan University and lived with her parents at the time. (L&O: "Good Girl") She and Rey eventually married in 1988. In 1996, Rey cheated on her with another woman named Jamie, and Deborah became distrustful of him. (L&O: "Aftershock") In September or October of that year, they separated. (L&O: "Menace")

Early in 1997, while they were separated, Rey traveled with Lennie Briscoe to Los Angeles as part of their investigation into the murder of Mattawin Studios executive Heidi Ellison. While there, he met another Mattawin executive, Lisa Lundquist, who became so smitten with him that she offered him a job as a consultant for a police flick. Curtis was greatly tempted by her but told her that he was not ready to give up on his marriage to Deborah. (L&O: "D-Girl")

This created problems for him months later when the case went to trial; the defense claimed that Lundquist had seduced Curtis to cook up evidence against the defendant Eddie Newman. Though this was false, Deborah was nevertheless not happy to hear that he'd been spending so much time alone with Lundquist. (L&O: "Showtime")

Very shortly after, Deborah was diagnosed with multiple sclerosis. (L&O: "Thrill") Curtis later confessed during an interrogation of a murder suspect that Deborah used to run three miles every morning and worried what her life will be like in 10 years, as well his own fear that his wife's illness was God's way of punishing him for being tempted to commit adultery so often. (L&O: "Burden")

By 1998, her symptoms had grown so bad that her husband left the Homicide Division in order to take care of her (L&O: "Refuge"), which he did until her death in 2009. (L&O: "Fed")

