Law and Order
Law and Order
L&O, Episode 9.15
Production number: E0220
First aired: 24 February 1999
  {{{nNthProducedInSeries}}}th of 456 produced in L&O  
{{{nNthReleasedInSeries}}}th of 456 released in L&O
  {{{nNthReleasedInAll}}}th of 1271 released in all  
Carmichael Disciple
Teleplay By
Richard Sweren & Lynne E. Litt

Story By
Kathy McCormick & Lynne E. Litt

Directed By
Martha Mitchell


After a teenage girl is found dead in the emergency room, the investigation leads to a case involving a religious ritual and a defendant who claims that the action taken was dictated by a saint's voice.


Main cast[]

Recurring cast[]

Guest cast[]



Woman: I'm sorry, three kids with the flu home all week.
Rey Curtis: I know how it is.
Woman: No, you don't. You get to go to work.
Abbie Carmichael: Did they teach you how to do exorcisms, Jack?
Jack McCoy: They taught us to have a healthy respect for the devil.
Carmichael: The only devil in this case is the woman we're trying for murder.
McCoy: No guilt, no remorse. Said voices told her to wage war against Satan.
Schiff: Son of Sam again.
McCoy: No. Berkowitz was a psychopathic loser who said he received directions to kill from a Labrador retriever. Rosa's voices tell her to save the world.
Schiff: A voice is a voice. Nobody's that naive.
McCoy: To believe in the devil.
Schiff: People see the devil as an allegory.
McCoy: I'm not so sure I do.
Abbie Carmichael: Horns and a pitchfork, Jack?
She may hear God, but she may not play God.

–Jack McCoy during closing arguments

Background information and notes[]

  • McCoy notes he has been prosecuting cases for nearly 25 years and recalls a case where "a man rapes a 10-year-old, sprays a can of insecticide in her mouth and leaves her to die..." This is a reference to the episode "Monster".
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St. Ive's Shelter
311 East Ludlow Street
Monday, January 26

Fremont Recreation Center
115 Suffolk Street
Thursday, January 29

Supreme Court
Wednesday, February 11

4 5

Supreme Court
Trial Part 61
Monday, March 9

Supreme Court
Trial Part 61
Thursday, March 12

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