Captain Don Kubiak was the commanding officer of the Vice Squad who was secretly affiliated with a sex trafficking ring.
After Velasco is arrested by Kubiak, Benson and Fin meet Kubiak at the station and they were introduced to Kubiak's undercover detective, Rosanny Chavez. When Chavez and Lucia were going to meet SVU, Kubiak told his conspirators of the investigation, resulting in Chavez's death. He feigned grief and wanted Chavez avenged. Much later, SVU started to suspect Kubiak of being the culprit, they called Kubiak into the precinct to consult the case. However, they tracked his phone calls with him and another suspect. Kubiak was caught red-handed with a second cellphone and asked for a lawyer immediately. They brought Lucia in to identify Kubiak in a lineup and Lucia told them that Kubiak made the trafficked women have sex with him.
They questioned Kubiak and asked him to cooperate. When they accused him of raping those girls, Kubiak said that it was consensual and Benson confronted him about being involved in Chavez's murder. However, they were unable to prove it and his lawyer requested that they give immunity and allow Kubiak to retire in exchange for his help. Unfortunately for him, SVU got evidence that Lucia was really 15 years old when she was raped by Kubiak, threatening to send him to prison with the pedophile tag along with his status as a dirty cop. Baptiste then offered the now scared Kubiak to help them find the girls and they had Kubiak call Jorge, another suspect, to claim that he had Lucia.
Jorge told Kubiak that he was transporting the girls until Kubiak convinced him to allow him to transport the girls. Jorge accepted Kubiak's request. The SVU created a sting operation to swap Lucia with an undercover female detective and Velasco who posed as a buyer. After Jorge was arrested and the girls were rescued, Kubiak was arrested and imprisoned. (SVU: "Once Upon a Time in El Barrio")