Law and Order

Donald O'Keefe is a Special Operations veteran and the kidnapper and rapist of military contractor William Rand out of avenging O'Keefe's daughter and Rand's former employee, Cori Green, who was gang-raped at the company.


O'Keefe retired to armed security for oil tankers, which would even pass near the waters of Somalia, where O'Keefe was needed to try and ward off modern-day pirates with his strengths. Cori followed in his footsteps and enlisted for service in Battle Tested Security, Rand's contracting company and the world's most powerful private military contractor. The father and daughter were crushed when, during Cori's service in Basra, Iraq, Cori was drugged and gang-raped by four employees. Supervisor Joe Marshall harassed her in an interrogation room for three days to make her not retaliate, then guard George Coleman lent her a phone to call home and tell O'Keefe. Rand responded by arranging a full cover-up once Cori was out of the company. The family went to state and justice departments for four years, but because of Rand's armed might, they refused to prosecute out of fearing being targets when Rand barreled through the law with hired violence. Cori suffered rape trauma to the point O'Keefe couldn't touch her without flinching, she woke up with nightmares, and the sexual violence left her completely infertile.

Official Story[]

O'Keefe decided to wage revenge and get Rand to know he was responsible. After Rand narrowly survived the Occupy Wall Street protest, O'Keefe stalked Rand and jacked a limo to abduct him in. Rand was provided drugged water, before O'Keefe drove Rand to a military monument, furiously raped Rand with a baton, wrote "Payback is a bitch" on his leg, and left him at the site to be found in the morning, bound, gagged, and stripped half-naked. After the protest was eliminated of suspects easily, O'Keefe was swiftly tracked from his pickup truck with a Special Forces sticker being at the scene.

With full backup, the team arrested O'Keefe at his dock. he shamelessly surrendered, asking why they took so long and confessed in full to the kidnapping and anal sodomy, revealing Cori being gang-raped, their being rejected by law and justice, and O'Keefe hoping Rand would remember the baton rape every time he sat down as payback in Cori's interest. When Rand was brought in to identify O'Keefe, he instead fled the precinct, but O'Keefe was still booked and arraigned, lacking confidence justice would be served despite promises of the squad.

When Rand found out O'Keefe's prosecution was leading to Rand's as well, he ordered his private mercenaries to execute and terrorize witnesses and the police to get the case squashed. O'Keefe was shived in prison, but the shank narrowly missed his kidney. Cori almost lost her life too, but since a witness intervened and stopped the attempt on her life, she got away only with a broken wrist. But Marshall finally gave up Rand and the company when they were planning to kill him and his family. His grand jury testimony led to the arrest of Rand and his lawyer Virginia Pell for the cover-ups and arranged violence, with Cori celebrating by speaking with her father over the phone and telling him it was finally over, everyone guilty would be arrested and jailed.

O'Keefe was imprisoned for one to eight years, likely serving a reduced sentence for his full cooperation.
