Agent Doug Kersten (alias Riley) is an undercover federal agent running his own semi-fraudulent poker ring, in the interest of attracting organized crime contacts and players to survey and disband syndicates where they're found.
Caroline Pereira and Adam Halder frequented Kersten's ring to win big bucks to get away from their small town salaries. When Caroline lost a major game and left the friends' debts un-repayable, Adam killed her in Kersten's ring and left her behind for Kersten to find. Kersten decided to maintain his cover by having his bouncer gather Caroline and the evidence and leave her to be found in a red light district. It didn't divert from Kersten's poker game when football star Roddy Franklin, who lost his ring to Caroline when she and Adam targeted him as a mark when they re-conned different poker rings and competed accordingly, led them to Kersten's ring. When the police raided it, they found the crime scene down to the paint Caroline scratched off and embedded in her fingernails. Kersten's handler had to get him released, but he arranged a clandestine meeting on an intersection.
Kersten admitted he found Caroline dead, her screams making it seem like a raid the patrons were concerned about. He admitted to trying to keep his cover by moving her and her belongings, insisting he tried to preserve evidence. When Kersten revealed Caroline was gambling on legitimate online poker sites, with her partner "Jack King", "Riley" was used to trap her partner with a trace. It worked, and Adam was found at the location where he was playing and arrested. Adam confessed, and Gloria Kulhane, Adam's girlfriend who ordered the murder, sold Adam out on the stand and got him convicted. Gloria was arrested and imprisoned for her complicity because police could prove she stole Franklin's ring off Caroline by her own lies and a photo of Caroline wearing the ring when she was murdered. (SVU: "Class")