Eileen Willick is a woman suspected of murdering her children.
Eileen married Marty Willick and had three babies with him. Each of them died from what was assumed to be crib death, but in reality, they were smothered. Everyone knew she was eccentric, especially with her desperation for love and attention when her children would get sick and die. Marty still stayed with her nevertheless. When their daughter Emily died, Marty buried her in a cooler with a stuffed animal and crucifix and then ran to a patrol officer, lying that she was kidnapped. Marty eventually caved when interrogated and led the police to Emily's remains.
Eileen was discovered to have murdered her three infant children and tortured a foster child who was later taken away due to her suffering from a form of Munchhausen syndrome by proxy. Marty tried to stop her once by arranging to get a vasectomy after their second baby died, but Eileen threatened with divorce to change his mind.
When it was discovered that she had murdered her children, an attempt was made to imprison her for a lesser sentence under the condition that she be sterilized, but the attempt was unsuccessful. The case was transferred to another prosecutor when her other children were brought up in court when only trying her for Emily's murder. However, when it was discovered that she was pregnant again, her husband testified about the murders she committed and had her imprisoned to get her help. She took a plea of manslaughter in the first degree.
She tried to delay sentencing until after she gave birth but was unsuccessful. She was sentenced to serve her time in the Bedford Hills Correctional Facility. (L&O: "Precious")
Known Victims[]
- Marty Willick (her husband; repeatedly emotionally abused and harassed)
- Daniel Willick (her first child; repeatedly smothered until he eventually died)
- Caroline Willick (her second child; repeatedly smothered until she eventually died)
- Gary Willick (her foster child; assaulted; was repeatedly smothered)
- Emily Willick (her third child; repeatedly smothered until she eventually died; buried in a cooler postmortem by Marty Willick)