Law and Order
Law and Order

Elise Garrett is a murderer who murdered Bethany Lunden after she was raped by her husband, Judge Harold Garrett.


Elise isn't suspected of murdering anyone as Bethany's body isn't found in this episode. However, the episode revolves around her son Ethan who is suspected of kidnapping two people and murdering one. She is introduced when Detectives Robert Goren and Alexandra Eames of the NYPD's Major Case Squad search the premises for any evidence relating to the crime. Ethan is then arrested by Goren and Detective Mike Logan for illegal promotion of gambling, and he was sent to jail. Goren and Eames offer murderer Conroy "Connie" Smith special privileges if he gets Ethan to talk, and they transfer him to Ethan's cell. Conroy befriends Ethan and boasts about his own crimes, and Ethan tries to impress him by bragging about killing the first victim, Tiana Peterson. (CI: "In the Wee Small Hours (Part I)")

Bethany's body is found, and it was revealed that she had sex with both Ethan and his father, Judge Harold Garrett. While Ethan is still imprisoned facing a murder charge, Garrett is suspected of raping and killing Bethany. Elise convinces Ethan that his father is an abusive and thoughtless man who had power over them. She protects Ethan from Judge Garrett, who is a drunk and is verbally abusive. After evidence proves he had sex with Bethany before she died, he was arrested for statutory rape. Later, he sends a police officer to terrorize Goren's mother, causing Goren to have a rage fit at Judge Garrett. Judge Garrett then confesses to raping Lunden, saying, "She didn't want a boy, she wanted a man, and she got what she wanted, and she loved it.". At the end of the episode, Ethan is questioned in the interrogation room while Elise confesses to killing Bethany behind the glass and she is then arrested for murder. (CI: "In the Wee Small Hours (Part II)")
