Elton Teague is a good Samaritan who was cleaning up street garbage in the city when he stopped the second sexual assault of Clare Wilson.
Elton was out with his wheeled garbage can with hopes of picking up street debris to do his own unofficial community service. Elton came across two disturbed guys, Tommy and Jeff, standing over Clare in an alley where she was left after being raped earlier. Tommy was masturbating and ready to "seagull" her, when Elton intervened and stopped the two. Officer Kenneth Parker pulled over and called for backup before all three were taken into custody.
Tommy and Jeff tried to blame Elton, while Elton told the truth. Tommy's DNA was on the pre-ejaculates staining Clare's bra, so Jeff was singled out for a confessed. When Jeff admitted Tommy sexually assaulted her while stood by, and she was raped before the three found her, Elton was exonerated and released. (SVU: "Jersey Breakdown")