Law and Order

Emma Boyd is the biological daughter of Kate Boyd and was raised by Kate and her lover Zoe Dunlop. She became the center of a custody battle between her maternal grandparents Oliver and Deborah Boyd and Zoe after Kate was diagnosed and eventually died of lupus.


For months, Emma was being constantly bullied at St. Victor's Academy, a Catholic private school, for being raised by two lesbians. Her most aggressive harasser was Sean Hamill, who sent her threatening and sexually suggestive messages. When Sean kept calling Emma a "dyke" and sexually harassed her before he chopped off her ponytail, she snapped and stabbed him in the back with a pair of scissors, permanently paralyzing him.

When the Special Victims Unit discovered that Emma was the one who stabbed Sean, they were forced by Assistant Corporation Counsel Garrett Gillespie to arrest her. However, with the help of Father Justin Miller, Detective Benson was able to find records that proved Sean had been endlessly tormenting Emma. For this, Emma was given a plea bargain in which she simply went to counseling. She was also transferred out of St. Victor's after Zoe realized the extent of Emma's ordeal.

During the trial, however, Kate died and Emma's grandparents were manipulated by defense attorney James Decker to force her into confessing to being molested by Zoe. After the SVU proved the allegation was false and showed Emma's grandparents thoroughly how they had been lied to, Decker was arrested, they agreed to testify against him, and Emma went back to living with Zoe. (SVU: "Alien")
