Law and Order

Enzo Cook is a drug addict and patient of manipulative counseling service founder Martin Gold.


Cook hailed from a wealthy family but suffered from a drug addiction. His parents were troubled by his problems and entrusted drug counselor Martin Gold to help him, even making him a legal guardian while they were away on a trip. However, Gold only fueled his addiction and enjoyed making patients do what he wanted and be in the states that he wanted, so this was used on Cook through hid drug habit. Cook would be rewarded with drugs and degraded and left to painful withdrawals when Gold was displeased. Cook realized the truth about Gold when seeing him rape A.J. Dunne after manipulating her into turning on her family. Cook tried to warn her parents with a doctored photo, but although Gregg Dunne, her father accused of "molesting" her, believed it, it didn't rescue her. A.J. was eventually arranged to be raped and murdered by Ramsey Vickers under Gold's direction.

Cook was found and briefly suspected but was soon after exonerated and agreed to help the team. However, his addiction reduced his credibility, and he was released back to Gold, who doped him up again in a private location. Dr. George Huang smuggled him out into Mexico and gave him a treatment of ibogaine, which sent him into a hallucinogenic trip that drained his cravings. In his lucid state, he was recruited in a sting to catch Gold distributing drugs, which succeeded. Gold was arrested and Cook brushed off his assertions that Cook "wasn't" cured of his addiction and told him that he better hope he used before he testifies. While Gold called him a traitor, Cook told him to rot, and Gold confronted Huang on helping Gold but the latter openly voiced he didn't regret saving Cook from Gold and accepted his license suspension for his actions out of the book. (SVU: "Users")
