Ermil Jones is the mother of rape suspect Jerome Jones.
When her son was one of three black men accused of gang rape, the DNA was contaminated, and she stood by him in a lawsuit against the NYPD for harassment after his acquittal. Jerome would later be accused of rape again by Jenna Davis. In reality, she was raped by her uncle, Neil Alexander, and flashed back to it when Jerome tried to give her purse and help her out of the pizzeria he worked at, but she confused his actions and thought he raped her instead when losing track of time.
Jerome was released due to lack of evidence. But Jenna's father Luke tortured Jerome to get him to falsely confess, only to send him into cardiac arrest. Luke tried CPR to resuscitate him, but it was too late, as he already died. Ermil assembled a crowd of protesting supporters outside of Luke's arraignment, calling out the injustice in her son Jerome's death. When Jenna walked past, Ermil pointed at her and shouted "you killed my son" in fury and heartbreak.
After Alexander is arrested, Ermil meets with A.D.A Barba and he explains the truth, though she was distraught to hear that Davis was really raped by her uncle; she insists more extensive legislation be taken to avenge her son, grieving for Jerome in tears. Barba simply says that Jerome's torture-murder is an unspeakable tragedy, but with Luke already in prison, the best he can offer is his support to honor him and heal his loved ones while everyone repairs as much damage as they can. (SVU: "Decaying Morality")