Ethan Miller is an underage sexual partner of psychiatrist Nicole Keller.
At some point, Nicole Keller seduced him with nude photos and then began sexual exchanges with him after her divorce from her son Luke's father, Daniel Keller.
When he discovered his friend Trey Franklin began a relationship with Nicole, Ethan got jealous and the two fought, resulting in them both been suspended for a few days.
When Luke killed Trey Franklin, another one of Nicole's partners, at Nicole's direction by crying rape, Ethan was found and questioned by the detectives after it was discovered he lied when they previously spoke to him. Ethan is brought to the police precinct with his father being present in the interview. He is threatened with jail time and the loss of his scholarship if he does not come clean. At first, Ethan wanted his father to leave so he could tell the detectives because he did not want him to hate him but the latter refused and persuaded Ethan to confess. With teary eyes, he reluctantly revealed his own sexual manipulation. This admittance along with Nicole's relationship with Trey led to her conviction. (SVU: "Motherly Love")