Law and Order
Law and Order

Eugene Lee is the owner of the Coral Dragon.


The Coral Dragon was a Chinese restaurant accused by conspiracy site owner Ron Duca of running child trafficking from his establishment, which led to hateful threats being targeted at him and his business. Congresmsan Luke Bolton was accused of being affiliated, so he insisted Special Victims confirm it was all a hoax. Eugene begrudgingly let the detectives in, conveniently when Malcolm Barnstable barged in with a gun and demanding evidence of the lie be presented.

The police arrested Barnstable with only one shot fired without injury, a real pimp named Jerry was arrested to rescue several girls in his captivity, and Duca was ordered to retract several of his statements. Bolton arrived at the restaurant to represent Eugene in hopes of boosting his business. Another gunman instead barged in and assassinated Bolton by shooting him dead, in front of Eugene and Bolton's young daughter. Eugene was shocked and exasperated from his trauma, exclaiming in outrage he wanted the violence to end. (SVU: "Real Fake News")
