Gabe Miller is a delusional man who attempted to rape, harassed and stalked Zoey Carrera.
Gabe was a certified Paralegal who became obsessed with Zoey and frequently watched her cam sessions. Unbeknownst to Zoey, Gabe also provided care for her father, who was in a retirement home that he recommended to her. Through this, he was able to track her home address. Under the deluded belief Zoey loved him, Gabe began stalking her. One night, Gabe wore a mask and barged into Zoey's apartment and attempted to rape her violently while she was handcuffed for a cam session. This was recorded by another viewer who realized the act was real.
Gabe was arrested by the Special Victims Unit after he confesses to Zoey of doing so and the shrine of him stalking her is found. Gabe initially made a plea deal but took it back and represented himself in a trial, stating they were in a relationship and had consensual sex.
Before trial, Gabe started harassing Zoey for his own pleasure but wound up violating the court restraining order by tending to her father.
At the trial, he tried to make sure the jury would doubt her story by using her recorded cam sessions or contradicting her statements. He also feigned compassion when his words led to her crying but was stopped from approaching her. This led to Zoey feeling like she would not be able to testify. When things looked bleak, A.D,A Carisi made a plan and brought in some of Zoey's other viewers, who all stated Zoey loved them as well because they paid her to say it and none of them tried to discover her residence like he did. These displays would trigger Gabe after he questioned them.
Eventually, he subpoenaed Zoey as a witness, when he really wanted to assert control of her again. Zoey testified against him but Gabe tried to get Zoey to “confirm her love of him”, while calling her by her stage name but Zoey refused to comply before saying her real name and that he raped her, which is something she did not want. Gabe flew into a psychotic rage at being led on and tried to attack Zoey but was dragged out by court guards, his screams for Zoey echoing in the halls of the courthouse, which shocked and disturbed Zoey, Carisi, Tamin, Judge Catano and the jury. His outburst revealed his true nature to all.
In the end, his lawyer spoke on his behalf and Gabe was ultimately sentenced to seven years in prison for burglary, stalking, and attempted rape. Traumatized by the case, Zoey promptly went off the grid to get away from Gabe. (SVU: "Turn Me On Take Me Private")