Law and Order

Garrett Blaine was an Executive Assistant District Attorney on Law & Order: Special Victims Unit. He was a minor character and a temporary replacement for Alexandra Cabot after she decided to take a leave of absence to join an International Criminal Court prosecuting sex crimes in war-torn areas. (SVU: "Witness").

During the trial, he asked the disabled rape victim Cara Raleigh whether she could identified her rapist, and she blinked once to indicated her answer as "Yes". Defense Attorney Linden Delroy objected with the answer because he didn't believe that she actually answered the question, so Blaine confidently asked Cara whether she could point at her rapist, which she did by mustering up the strength in her muscles she could. Blaine triumphally said that Cara just gave her rapist Tony Griegs a finger, which Delroy objected, and Judge Gregory Trenton chided him but still regarded the facts of the remark. (SVU: "Disabled")

The E.A.D.A only appeared once in the series.
