Law and Order
Law and Order

Gary Ryan is the prime suspect in the kidnapping and murder of Lily Evans.


Gary was the result of his mother's extramarital affair with Ray Marino, a fact that was kept hidden from his family. He lived in Cityisland with him and his brothers being known as the Ryan brothers. He would work as a deliveryman and always see Lily Evans on his delivery route and developed a pedophilic obsession over her.

Melancholy Pursuit[]

While making a delivery, Gary caught sight of Lily once more walking from school and offered her a ride. Gary proceeded to act on his pedophilic feelings by trying to kiss her but Lily rejected him leading to a fight with Lily hitting her head very hard, resulting in her death. Gary became worried when she was unresponsive and fearing nobody would believe him if he had said it was accidental, he waited for dark to dump her body. However, she was discovered and SVU looked into the case.

Matching his DNA prove troublesome for SVU detectives, due to Gary possessing several half-siblings on his biological father's side. SVU changed their strategy of getting the DNA of him and his brothers by doing a traffic stop in Gary willingly gave his DNA in a breathalyzer. Once the detectives matched his DNA, Gary runs and is pursued by Dodds and Carisi. Disgusted by his crimes and a young girl, Mike Dodds nearly injured him severely while witnesses were filming. In interrogation, he confirms to Lieutenant Benson and Dodds that he is responsible for murdering Lily but he confessed to it being an accident and has shown great guilt by breaking down in tears. He was ultimately imprisoned for his crimes.
