Law and Order
CI, Episode 3.02
Production number: E4503
First aired: 5 October 2003
  th of 195 produced in CI  
th of 195 released in CI
  th of 1271 released in all  
Carver Eames Goren Gemini
Teleplay By
Jim Sterling

Story By
Jim Sterling & René Balcer

Directed By
Frank Prinzi

A string of murders that include an optician, a plastic surgeon, and a hairstylist seems to have racial overtones.


In this episode, Detectives Goren and Eames investigate the murder of an eyeglass store clerk, shot to death during what appears to be an assault case.

When a second optician is later murdered in similar circumstances, Goren and Eames come to suspect that a company is involved here, somehow as cardboard counter-top advertising blue contact lenses have obviously been moved so that the police will notice them. Later, a third murder then takes place, involving same modus operandi, this time on a plastic surgeon. As they investigate further, the front flap of the case seems to have racial overtones. The finger of suspicion immediately points to a schizophrenic man obsessed with Marilyn Monroe, and his delusions about the damage caused by cosmetic beauty enhancements.

Even later, the detectives receive an anti-Semitic letter apparently not sent by the killer. But while the suspect is in custody another optician is killed. Then, Goren believes that a person close to the man may have taken advantage of his illness and his crimes to commit extortion.


Main cast[]

Guest cast[]



Robert Goren: Y-you know, I-I find paranoid schizophrenics make excellent witnesses.

Robert Goren: Excuse me. In the mornings, he straightens up out here… you went in the back?
Store Clerk: Every morning for two years.
Alexandra Eames: Killer must have had front row seats.

Executive: The effect to our company would have been devastating. We had to think of our employees.
Ron Carver: Yes, I'm sure they were foremost in your thoughts.

Spencer Anderson: My file was expunged.
Alexandra Eames: Expunged doesn't mean vaporized.

Alexandra Eames: This is nice. Charles Darwin as a serial killer.

Robert Goren: Our shooter didn't write that letter.
Alexandra Eames: Great, another nut in the mix.

Robert Goren: He considers Marilyn Monroe a prototype. An average brunette turned by cosmeticians and plastic surgeons into the first fake blue-eyed blonde.
James Deakins: She's the vanguard of the master plan to pollute the gene pool of the pure white race.

Robert Goren: The twisted tango of brotherly love.

James Deakins: So our shooter's a racist who's worried people are changing their looks, why? So they can infiltrate the Klan?
Robert Goren: Or he might feel threatened by people he thinks are masking their true identity.

Spencer Anderson: None of this is true. You said so himself. He's crazy.
Robert Goren: Yeah, he may be crazy, but you're evil.

Alexandra Eames: The tango just goes on.

Background information and notes[]

Previous episode:
"Undaunted Mettle"
Law & Order: Criminal Intent
Season 3
Next episode:
"The Gift"
Seasons 12345678910