Law and Order

Glenn Cheales was the prime suspect in the murder of Danielle Masoner.


Glenn was an engineer of surveillance technology who also abused his wife Naomi by covertly implanting an RFID tracking chip in her shoulder without her consent and watching her movements. This was since Naomi was a beautiful dancer, leaving Glenn feeling out of her league. Glenn found out Naomi was having an affair with Wesley Masoner, the abusive, unfaithful husband of Danielle, a bombshell model, and Naomi's boss.

To get revenge, Glenn murdered Danielle by poisoning and left her in Central Park. Since hoping to try and keep Naomi in his life, Glenn framed Wesley for the crime, which nearly worked as SVU looked at him as a suspect. However, Glenn was discovered and arrested at the hospital where he had a brief fight with Wesley over framing him, with Wesley bragging about the affair. Naomi had been admitted after a bacteria from the chip injection resulted in her liver starting to fail.

After confessing to the detectives, he was allowed to donate part of his liver to his ailing wife, once the prison warden agreed since he was a direct match. As he was taken out the room to recover, Glenn voiced his love to her. In return, Naomi told the detectives to tell Glenn that she appreciated his act, despite her bitterness over his crimes to begin with. Glenn pleaded guilty to the murder of Danielle Masoner and was sent to prison. (SVU: "Choreographed")
