Law and Order
Law and Order
L&O, Episode 8.14
Production number: K2514
First aired: 4 February 1998
  th of 456 produced in L&O  
th of 456 released in L&O
  th of 1271 released in all  
Written By
Suzanne Oshry

Directed By
Christopher Misiano


When a man is found beaten half to death in the park, Briscoe and Curtis discover that his attackers were avenging their mentally-ill sister, whom they believed the man had raped. This proves to be false, as it turns out the girl had sex with another mental patient, but then the detectives discover that the assault victim had committed an even more heinous crime.


Main cast[]

Recurring cast[]

Guest cast[]



There was no advantage taken in the Blue Room. It was both mutual and sensual. I didn't tell that part to my spiritual adviser.

–Leslie Russo about her supposed rape.

I did. I did. It was God that didn't take care of her. God took Wendy and John. God took our baby. God owed me a grandchild, Mr. McCoy. God owed me.

–Greta Singer reveals her narcissism

Harry Singer: With all that's happened...what good will this do?
Jack McCoy: Mr. Singer, your wife and Mr. Harding plunged into a moral quagmire that the law can only begin to address. Maybe they'll both drown in it.

Background information and notes[]

Episode scene cards[]

1 2 3

York Psychiatric Hospital
Roosevelt Island
Monday, November 18

Park West
Rehabilitation Facility
132 West 120th Street
Thursday, November 28

Home Of
Mr. & Mrs. Harry Singer
858 Seventh Avenue
Friday, December 6

4 5 6

Grand Jury Room
Tuesday, December 17

Supreme Court
Motion Hearing
Monday, January 13

Office Of
Executive Assistant
D.A. Jack McCoy
Tuesday, January 28

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Law & Order
Season 8
Next episode:
"Faccia a Faccia"
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