Law and Order
"In Vino Veritas"
L&O, Episode 17.07
Production number: 17007
First aired: 3 November 2006
  th of 456 produced in L&O  
th of 456 released in L&O
  th of 1271 released in all  
Written By
David Wilcox

Directed By
Tim Hunter


A has-been actor wearing blood-stained clothing arrested for drunken driving reveals religious prejudices during his rantings.


Main cast[]

Recurring cast[]

Guest cast[]



[Two policemen in a patrol car...]

  • Ten bucks says he's drunk.
  • Yea? Twenty bucks says he's a rich guy that drives like a douchebag.
Bachelor pad of the rich and famous. He's gonna LOVE our redecorating.

–Nina Cassady

Ed Green: You have the right to remain silent.
Nina Cassady: You might want to try it this time.
John Carroll: You want me to betray my dad?
Jack McCoy: Hasn't he already betrayed you? How many times has he come to see you in here, John?
Connie Rubirosa: We checked the visitor's logs. Not once.
You locked me in this room for an hour like an animal! You work for leeches, Detective! They suck the money out of this town. They send it to Israel so they can make bombs and matzah!

–Mitch Carroll

Nina Cassady: Are you just saying that because you don't want to talk to a "Jew cop?"
Mitch Carroll: What?
Nina Cassady: Detective Sugar Tits? Jews control the world? Any of that ring a bell?
Mitch Carroll: I never said those things.
Ed Green: She's Irish, by the way, in case you wanna to get something else off your chest.
Mitch Carroll: Jews are always playing the victim, but all this time I'm the one who's been victimized.
Nurse Esposito: Would you tell him to SHUT UP?
Ed Green: Mr. Carroll, shut up, please.
Mitch Carroll: Are you a Jew? You're a Jew, right? I shoulda known they'd stick me in a room with a Jew cop. I'm not talking to a Jew! I know the law as good as any Jew!
Anita Van Buren: (watching with Green behind the two-way mirror) Does he know he has the right to remain silent?
Ed Green: I mirandized him myself.

Background information and notes[]

  • The title is a Latin phrase typically attributed to Pliny the Elder. It translates to, "In wine [there is] the truth."
  • This episode draws from the real-life troubles of actors Mel Gibson and Michael Richards. Gibson was arrested on a DUI on July 28, 2006, and began ranting about the Jews being responsible for all the problems in the world. On November 17th of that same year, Richards used racial epithets at a comedy event in Florida.
  • Special billing was given to Jennifer Esposito (and) and Chevy Chase (Special Guest Appearance by) in this episode.

Episode scene cards[]

1 2 3

Penthouse of
Mitch Carroll
365 East 83rd Street
Wednesday, August 10

Riker's Island
Correctional Facility
Friday, August 12

Home of
Amanda Carroll
Park Slope, Brooklyn
Thursday, August 23

4 5 6

Family Court
Motion Hearing
Friday, August 26

WCN Television Studio
77 West 46th Street
Wednesday, September 7

Supreme Court
Trial Part 57
Tuesday, November 1

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"In Vino Veritas"
Law & Order
Season 17
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