Law and Order

Mrs. Jackson was the wife of Bernard Jackson, a forger who was killed by a fellow forger named Sylvia Moon.


Mrs. Jackson is eating with Bernard when Bernard says that he has to return to the studio but Mrs. Jackson says that Bernard has worked a lot and that she sees him stressed out and tired a lot. Bernard, dispite his wife's pleas goes to the studio to meet with Anne Ellis and Rudy Langer.

When Mrs. Jackson calls Bernard but he doesn't answer she goes to the studio to find Bernard shot in the chest and a woman hanging. Mrs. Jackson immediately calls the police and they go into the studio and examine Bernard and the lady's corpses. Detectives Goren and Eames go to Mrs. Jackson and tell her that they wanted to examine her for gunpowder much to her shock annd hey reveal the identity of the hanging girl as Anne Ellis. When Detective Eames asks Mrs. Jackson if Bernard had an affair with Anne, Mrs. Jackson says how Bernard had prostate surgury.

Later, Detectives Goren and Eames return to Mrs. Jackson in order to look at the documents of paintings he sold Mrs. Jackson says how people wouldn't just kill Bernard over some forgery but Detective Eames says how it was sold for millions of dollars so the people would have a good motive. Mrs. Jackson said how Bernard could've made a simple mistake but Detective Goren says that is unlikely, Mrs. Jackson told the detecives the time that Bernard worked for an insurance company and made a Roman sculpture that was forged and for that, the company let him go. When the detectives told Mrs. Jackson how there was 100 thousand in her band account Mrs. Jackson said how Bernard was making one million from his art which showed the detectives that Bernard was commiting tax fraud. (CI: "Art")
