Law and Order

Jennifer Durning is a Canadian student on a class trip in New York who went missing while partying with her friend and classmate, Danna Simpson.


Jennifer was a straight-A student who received early admission to McGill University in Montreal, Canada. She was described as an exemplary, calm girl who didn't party much. But when she went to New York with her class, she wanted to have good time before finishing her senior year of high school.

It's revealed she met three boys, Nicky Pratt, Doug Waverly, and Pratt's cousin Jason King, at a nightclub. With Pratt trying to get King to lose his virginity, he chose Durning to be the first girl he slept with. Durning agreed and had sex with him in his car while Pratt and Waverly watched. When Pratt and Waverly got aroused, Pratt eagerly said "now it's our turn" before the two other boys gang-raped Durning, King not intervening to stop it out of shock and Pratt's imposing manipulation on him.

Durning went back to her hotel room, an elevator security camera showing her crying as she makes her way up. She took a shower and left her clothes on the floor, before calling Simpson and telling her about the gang-rape. With Pratt wanting to kill her to silence her, they paid drunkard Keith Willis to lure Durning in a phone call about her passport being "misplaced", leading to Pratt and Waverly abducting her in their car. While Willis got rid of her belongings, except for her semen-covered clothes, Pratt and Waverly killed Durning and through her corpse into the river near Waverly's father's meat plant, neglecting her sneaker at the banks. They left the car, and it was towed without the license plate being put in correctly to have it be found sooner.

The three boys were arrested when Waverly was going to get on a private international flight to prevent extradition difficulties. Pratt seduced court bailiff Emily McCooper and had her bug Judge Elizabeth Donnelly's office to know King's location when he became a witness for the prosecution. Pratt and Waverly abducted and killed King as well with McCooper's help, but his corpse was found at the river. Both living boys and McCooper were all arrested and imprisoned. (SVU: "Gone")
