Law and Order

John Wheeler is an egotistic, lewd former employee of BYTEhead, a magazine run by Edward Nicodos. Wheeler had a history of harassing and terrorizing women in the office, including peeing in a cup in front of Gail Russell and stalking Sally Kestler to her home just to get a reaction out of her. Wheeler would be freelancing until he got a steadier employment.

Edward, Sally, and another employee were shot dead in the office, and an angry letter from Gail over her being fired first eventually revealed Wheeler having a possible motive. Cocky as he was, he confirmed his alibi at a diner, even revealing the real motive: Wheeler wrote a review about another company's video game before it was even tested to provide a proper response, so the company sued the Nicodos food business. Edward's brother Peter Nicodos, Jr. shot him and the two employees who witnessed the murder to stop the fiasco. (L&O: "Jeopardy")
