Jordan Dolphy is a paroled drug dealer who was raped repeatedly by his parole officer Donna Marshall.
While on probation for selling prescription drugs and using heroin, Marshall would coerce Jordan into having sex with her in exchange for fixing his drug tests with vinegar. Because she wouldn't arrest him, he continued to sell and use drugs. When Marshall learned that another parolee she raped, Tommy Sullivan, is pressing charges against her, she gets prescription drugs from Jordan and plants them in the house of Sullivan and his fiancé Bella Carisi to discredit the former. When the SVU detectives use the DNA on the drugs to figure out where they really came from, they learn that the drugs were from Jordan. Detectives Nick Amaro and Amanda Rollins then raid his house, much to the shock of him and his family, and they find his drugs. He tells his wife to call Marshall, but when Rollins confronts him with the fact that Marshall fixes his drug tests, he tells his wife not to call Marshall. He also reveals the fact that Marshall would rape him.
Jordan agrees to press rape charges against Marshall and testifies that the drugs in Sullivan's house were obtained from him by Marshall and planted in Sullivan's house. At trial, Jordan is about to testify when Marshall's sergeant Ralph Kessel approaches him and tells him that he will make the drug charges against him go away if he testifies for the defense. Kessel then hides Jordan for the night so that the detectives and A.D.A Rafael Barba can't find him. The next day, he testifies for Marshall's defense attorney, Mickey D'Angelo, claiming that he sold Sullivan the drugs and that the SVU detectives coerced him into testifying for him. During Barba's cross examination, he reveals that Jordan had been using heroin, even though he had passed all his drug tests, which causes Jordan to loudly admit that Kessel offered to make the charges go away if he supported Marshall's story. He then tells Barba that parole officers own parolees like him and that they have to do everything their P.O.s say. (SVU: "Parole Violations")