Juliet Barclay is a woman who was suspected of castrating Horace Gorman after he kidnapped her daughter Hilary and held her captive for several months. She was later acquitted when Hilary confessed to castrating and killing Gorman.
Her daughter Hilary came to her to tell her that she had been held prisoner and raped but Juliet did not believe her because of Hilary having problems. For several years, the two became estranged.
On SVU[]
When Detectives uncover the chamber Horace Gorman held women, they inform Juliet that Hilary was indeed kidnapped. Juliet was taken aback this news and reveals that she and her daughter were not on speaking terms but where to find her.
It was later revealed that while Hilary did castrate him prior to his murder, Juliet was the one who killed Horace due to video surveillance proving Hilary was at a coffee shop at the time of the murder. However, due to the standards of double jeopardy, Juliet was immune from being prosecuted for the crime. She was dismayed to watch her daughter be arrested for taking the fall for her. (SVU: "Control")