Law and Order

Kevin O'Donnell was the head of Our Special Love, a civil rights group for pedophiles.


Years ago, O'Donnell had a sexual relationship with a minor, who he manipulated after she suffered abuse. This lasted until she reached puberty, and charges were never filed. Having lost interest in her, he told the girl to go live with her grandmother in another state, but they stayed in touch over the years. From this, Kevin believed that minor/adult relationships were healthy because his victim went onto have a great future.

Because of his warped views, he went to form an organization called Our Special Love, a civil rights group for pedophiles. To ensure members would not get cold feet or report to the police, he would have them take pictures of their exploits and use it as a form of blackmail.


He was invited to dinner by fellow OSL member Thomas Banks who recently molested his stepson of Cory Santiago. Unknown to him, it was actually a sting orchestrated by SVU and he was caught showing Cory some of his recent exploits. He was then arrested for his crimes but was unrepentant in his actions though was worried when Detective Stabler almost attacked him in anger and being told the detectives have a search warrant issued on his house.

After it was discovered that he had a flash drive containing 1,600 obscene images of children, he was arrested for possession and accessory to the rape of Cory Santiago.The detectives also tracked each IP address and proceed to arrest several members of his organization. While in holding, Kevin is beaten by his detained fellow members after Detective Stabler revealed that he was the one who allowed all the records to be shown on the computer, leaving him with a black eye. In court, he attempts to persuade the jury that pedophilic relationships were safe, earning the disgust of George Huang. O'Donnell's lawyer questioned Banks' wife and nearly backed her into a corner but her son burst into court and O'Donell's defense is destroyed after Cory spoke up about his abuse and that O'Donnell responsible for his trauma.

O'Donnell was found guilty on all charges and sentenced to over 3,000 years in prison. (SVU: "Hardwired")
