Law and Order

Kristi Cryer is a vlogger who was lured into the bathroom of Bobby D'Amico's club during her friend Sheila Lin's birthday. While Kristi was having fun on the dance floor, D'Amico got her to give him a blowjob in private before his friend and bartender Noel Panko came in and pouted to ask for his own gratification. Kristi refused and tried to leave, so D'Amico orally raped, then Panko vaginally raped her from behind.

Kristi recorded the rape exam she went through in the hospital and her questioning to gather it for her site, TownCryer. She struggled with the right story for the legal system, fearing her reputation and not knowing how to communicate the rape as it happened. When D'Amico said the rape was "all consensual", Kristi was horrified that it led to no charges being pressed. She tearfully accused on air and called out the police for rejecting her case.

Tara Browne came forward and said she was also gang-raped in that bathroom, the M.O. being consistent even without Kristi publicizing the details. When Mike Dodds and Amanda Rollins organized their own private sting, D'Amico and Panko were caught on camera trying to rape Rollins, resulting in the predators' arrests and the subsequent trial.

Kristi testified on the stand and stood by her argument. When pictures on her site revealed she had fun at the club before the rape, and her changing accounts were brought up as well, reasonable doubt is cast in the trial. In the end D'Amico and Panko are acquitted; however, Dodds has the last laugh by releasing the video from the sting. (SVU: "Star-Struck Victims")
