Laurel Andrews is the loving wife of husband Colin. She never remembered for months she was a rape victim of serial rapist Eric Lutz due to the drugs she was under by Lutz's action. When Lutz was tracked for the rape of Kelly Sun, Laurel was seen in one of five videos of rapes Lutz recorded him committing.
She was questioned about it, but she denied any and all memories of it she didn't have, with Colin telling the detectives to leave. Colin was privately shown the video by Stabler, but Laurel walked in, causing the memories to flash back. Benson brought up her own attempted rape trauma to encourage Laurel to testify. Lutz was accordingly arrested.
Laurel and Sun were both present at Lutz' arraignment and trial. They were delighted with Lutz' defense of violent porn being squashed, despite Laurel being sickened to see the rape she suffered being exhibited in court from the video. She, Sun, and the detectives were all horrified when Lutz's defense blackmailed the judge into calling a mistrial. Laurel arrived at the precinct and slapped Benson, blaming her for the memories she can't forget again and refusing to testify another time.
Lutz was again arrested when a sting revealed his ex-fiance, Shannon Browning, the first known woman Lutz raped, but she wasn't drugged and instead threatened into silence. Laurel and Sun appeared with her while Greylek presented the plea of at least 25 years. The three women walked out with Benson while Lutz rambled his demands to be remembered and lauded for the rapes, Laurel particularly looking nauseous as she silently walked away. (SVU: "Smut")