Law and Order
Law and Order

Lauren Stanton is a Deputy District Attorney on Law & Order: LA.


Stanton is Jonah Dekker's second chair, she is a young center-right prosecutor from San Marino. She says that family court turned her into a tough prosecutor when a judge wanted to see her breakdown in open court; and she did in the stairway by herself. Stanton appears to be right of center on law and order issues with justice for victims.

Stanton also doesn't take to kindly to television attorneys (like Dekker's law school classmate Sarah Goodwin) who think they know more than a regular attorney. (LA: "Hondo Field") She gets on bad ground with Dekker and Detective Rex Winters when the child of a pro-golfer named Luke Jarrow murdered his mistress for his mother. Stanton tells Luke not to talk to Winters and Tomas Jaruszalski because he was about to confess to the murder without his parents or an attorney present because he is under age. She told the detectives she didn't even care if Luke was a gang banger from Crenshaw, more or less the son of a famous pro-golfer. (LA: "Playa Vista")

She moved to Washington, D.C. after her boyfriend got a job there. (LA: "Reseda") Her position as Dekker's second chair was taken by Connie Rubirosa, an attorney who moved from the Manhattan District Attorney's Office. (LA: "Silver Lake")


Law & Order: Los Angeles - Main characters

Characters: Tomas JaruszalskiRicardo MoralesRex WintersArleen Gonzales


Characters: Jonah DekkerConnie RubirosaJerry HardinLauren StantonEvelyn Price
