Law and Order

Lawrence McNeil is a judge based in Manhattan, New York City.


On a panel with fellow Justices Shawn MacNamara, Harlan Newfield, Douglas Spivak, and Martha Kershan

  • Denied the defense's motion to reverse the judge's ruling denying declaratory judgment on behalf of the jury on the basis that the New York State death penalty statute is unconstitutional under the 14th Amendment, specifically substantive due process.

Cases tried[]

  • Denied the defense's motion to suppress the count of the votes and ordered the ballots counted to see if Benton had motive.
  • Decision later reversed on appeal by a panel of five judges from the First Department Appellate Division on a 3-2 vote.
  • Denied the defense's motion to suppress the confession on the grounds that it was coerced.
  • Allowed defense counsel to question M.E. Rogers about an autopsy she conducted on a man named Ethan Richards subject to connection to her defense.


  • Remanded the defendant without bail.

