Law and Order
Law and Order

Libby Parker is a victim of gang-rape who wasn't assisted by her neighbors who witnessed her being attacked.


Libby was divorced and her ex-husband retained custody of their two daughters because of her problems with alcohol and drugs. After she bought ketamine at a den posing as cafe named The Bean, three troubled youths with records, Ronnie Ellis, Juan Flores, and Will Reeves, took Libby back to her apartment while she was inebriated, some witnesses recording it on their cellphones even after Ronnie glared at them to try and make them stop. The youths tried to break into her apartment, but a neighbor scared them off with threats of the cops.

Dragging her back outside, the three gang-raped Libby with witnesses watching and hearing her screaming without intervening. Libby was then left in the cold, only being taken away in an ambulance the next morning. She was narrowly resuscitated after she endured a closed head injury, some cracked ribs, and hypothermia on top of the level of illicit substances in her systems. The three rapists were tracked and arrested, with a neighbor identifying them all in witness line-ups.

Libby was constantly criticized for her substance abuse, starting with Rollins showing a lot of chagrin, then carrying into the trial where her character was challenged while she was on the stand. The team finally got the break they needed in a neighbor, Doug Nelson, who saw the gang-rape and had detailed memory recall. However, he was drinking that night, and came to the trial drunk out of his own guilt. Nevertheless, he convincingly testified on the stand in great detail and expressed his remorse for not intervening. When he tried to apologize to Libby, she couldn't bring herself to accept it.

When all three youths were convicted, Libby hugged Benson and waved to the team while leaving the courtroom. As she returned home, the team had mixed opinions on how well she'd recover from rape and addiction. (SVU: "Forty-One Witnesses")
