Congressman Luke Bolton is a witness to a fake news story targeting the Coral Dragon restaurant. Bolton and the restaurant were accused of running child sex trafficking operations, and a hacker even planted child porn in his computer. Bolton successfully had Special Victims prove the restaurant was perfectly harmless, and his alibi for the child porn was proven since he wasn't even in the city when the files were downloaded.
The hacker responsible, Raj Garg, was found and lead the police to a real pimp's customer, restaurant supplier Ronald Fleming, which led to the pimp, Jerry, and real girls from Central America in his captivity. Bolton wanted to boost the business of the restaurant's owner, Eugene Lee, so he held a public event there. A disturbed gunman mistook Bolton's daughter for a trafficking victim, stormed over to the eatery, and shot Bolton dead at the scene before being detained. (SVU: "Real Fake News")